
Cats + Behavior & Training

  • Cat Behavior and Training: Cat Neutering and Behavior

    Cuando son machos, los animales de compañía, de trabajo o de producción suelen castrarse a menos que se quieran utilizar como reproductores. La castración es una práctica muy común para prevenir comportamientos sexuales inadecuados, reducir la agresividad y evitar la descendencia accidental o indiscriminada.

  • Socialization and Fear Prevention in Kittens

    La socialización es un proceso a través del cual los gatitos reciben información sobre sí mismos, sobre su especie y sobre otras especies con las que convivirán en el futuro. Una socialización adecuada permite a los gatitos interactuar con otros seres vivos y con su ambiente.

  • Crate training is most used with dogs, but it can be useful for kittens and cats too. Crate training is useful in many situations, such as providing a safe place when home alone or unsupervised. Cats that are calm in their crates experience less distress when they need to travel, visit the veterinary hospital, or stay at a boarding facility. Starting while your cat is young makes training easier, but even adult cats can be trained to relax in a crate. If your cat shows signs of distress (e.g., prolonged vocalization, trying to escape, salivation, rapid continuous movement) while using the training methods provided in this handout, consult your veterinarian.

  • Cats can have hearing loss due to increasing age or chronic ear infections, or they may be born with a defect. Deafness in cats can present some challenges, but overall they can have healthy, normal lives. It is possible to teach your cat household routines by using hand signals and body language. It is important to take their deafness into account when considering their safety, and they must remain indoors or in outdoor enclosures.

  • Cat Behavior Problems: Marking and Spraying Behavior

    Esta forma de depositar pequeñas cantidades de orina sobre superficies verticales se denomina marcaje, y es más una señal olorosa que una forma de orinar. Normalmente, lo que hacen los gatos es ponerse de espaldas ante una superficie vertical, levantar la cola y eliminar orina hacia el objeto en cuestión.

  • For most cats, a visit to the veterinarian is an overwhelming experience. If your cat’s veterinary appointment is for a routine wellness examination, your veterinarian may prescribe a sedative or antianxiety medication. Natural medicines, also known as complementary therapies, cover a wide range of products including herbs, nutraceuticals, supplements, and homeopathic remedies and may be beneficial in treating your anxious cat. Products such as Feliway® and Rescue Remedy® are examples of natural therapies that may be helpful in reducing your cat’s stress. One of the most important ways to decrease your cat’s anxiety level is to remain calm and relaxed during the visit as this will help reassure your cat that she is safe.

  • Fears, Phobias, and Anxiety in Cats and Dogs

    El miedo es una respuesta fisiológica, conductual y emocional a determinados estímulos que recibe un animal. La reacción fisiológica provoca un aumento de las frecuencias cardíaca y respiratoria (jadeo), sudoración, temblores, movimientos compulsivos y, en ocasiones, micción y defecación involuntarias.

  • Reducing Fear and Stress with Desensitization and Counterconditioning

    El contra-condicionamiento y la desensibilización sistemática son formas muy eficaces de cambiar las conductas. Generalmente se usa una combinación de ambas técnicas para reducir ciertos comportamientos (miedos, excitación, agresión) asociados a situaciones específicas.

  • Most cats settle into a new home fairly easily. They crave familiarity, so it is best to bring along many familiar objects, such as litter boxes and favored furniture. Cats must be initially secured to prevent their escape, as they may attempt to return to a prior home and could be lost or injured along the way. It is best to introduce your cat to your new home gradually and with supervision.

  • Picky eaters are often created by their humans offering too much variety of food. Cats can become picky eaters for medical reasons that need to be determined by your veterinarian. It is safe for an otherwise healthy cat to not eat for a few days; beyond this however, they can develop a possibly fatal condition called hepatic lipidosis. To decrease pickiness, having food available for only 30 minutes4-5 times a day can be beneficial. Human food should not be used as a diet as it will lead to nutrient deficiencies. Certain foods are okay to mix with cat food to make them more appealing but check with veterinarian before including these in your dog’s diet. Many cats work on their own schedule and prefer to eat very small amounts frequently (grazing).

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Monday8:00am – 6:00pm
Tuesday8:00am – 6:00pm
Wednesday8:00am – 8:00pm
Thursday8:00am – 6:00pm
Friday8:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday8:00am – 1:00pm

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