
Cats + Preventive Care & Wellness

  • Anesthesia for Cats

    Es muy frecuente y normal que los propietarios de gatos presenten cierto nerviosísmo cuando se habla de anestesiar a su mascota. Este folleto tiene como objetivo resolver las dudas y aliviar esas preocupaciones.

  • A cat that does not want to eat, or is not eating, is a cat with a potentially life-threatening medical condition. Many conditions can lead to the inability of your cat to eat or lose her appetite completely. It is important to find the underlying cause so that an appropriate treatment plan can be created. Appetite stimulants may be prescribed, and in some cases, a feeding tube may be placed by your veterinarian. Decreased food intake or any change in eating habits warrants investigation by your veterinarian.

  • Topical ear medications are necessary for the treatment of most ear conditions in cats. This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to apply ear medications along with precautions. Tips are also given to reduce your cat’s anxiety with ear treatment.

  • The proper administration of eye medication is essential for your pet's prompt recovery. Make sure you carefully read the label and understand the prescription instructions. If you have any questions, contact your veterinarian for clarification.

  • Applying eye ointments to your cat's eye(s) can be a challenging or easy task. The proper administration of eye medications is essential for your cat's prompt recovery. It is important to use the medication as directed for the full duration and contact your veterinarian if you have problems. The tips and instructions in this handout may make administering your cat's eye ointment easier.

  • Applying topical medications to your pet can sometimes be a challenge. Creams, ointments, and lotions are for external use only. It is important to prevent your cat from licking and swallowing any of these external preparations as they may contain ingredients that could be harmful if swallowed. Most topical preparations work better if they are gently massaged in for a few moments after application. It is always a good idea to get someone to help hold your cat, especially when applying medications on a sensitive or painful area. If you still have trouble keeping your pet from licking the medication, please contact your veterinarian to get your cat fitted for an Elizabethan collar.

  • Primary vaccination is essential to prevent the return of once common deadly infectious diseases in kittens and cats. Recent research indicates that not all vaccines require yearly boosters. However, there is no evidence that annual booster vaccination is anything but beneficial to most cats. Published research has conclusively shown that abstaining from some boosters can put your cat at risk.

  • Approximately 20% of cats across all ages suffer from painful osteoarthritis in one or more joints, and 90% of cats over 12 years of age show evidence of arthritis on radiographs. Because cats are living longer, every cat owner will face the issue of osteoarthritis at some point. This handout discusses the use of nutrition and nutritional supplements to aid in the management of your cat's osteoarthritis. Weight loss, omega fatty acids, and various chondroprotective supplements are discussed.

  • Asthma and Bronchitis in Cats

    Muchos gatos padecen de enfermedades respiratorias alérgicas y obstructivas, conocidas como asma,bronquitis o asma bronquial. Aunque seguramente se trate de diferentes enfermedades de las vías aéreas, son muy difícil de diferenciar entre sí, y suelen clasificarse juntas. Todas comparten una cosa común: son una hiper-respuesta o reacción exagerada de las vías aéreas a algún estímulo.

  • Feeding raw food to cats is potentially dangerous to both your cat and to you, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM), and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA. With nearly 25% of the raw food samples testing positive for harmful bacteria, the health risks for cats who eat the raw food, as well as for the cat owners who handle the food while preparing it, are real. It is reasonable to conclude that a commercially prepared, conventional, complete and life-stage balanced ration is a better choice.

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